From The Ground Up - Workbook, 3rd Edition - CLEARANCE

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CLEARANCE PRICED - Superseded by new 4th Edition

Written to test students on their knowledge gained from the material within "From the Ground Up", the 3rd edition of the Workbook covers the subjects that are particularly pertinent to the examination for the Private Pilot Licence. Thus, it serves as an excellent means to retain information on important practical applications and theoretical concepts that students must know to obtain their license to fly.

A complete re-design of the From the Ground Up Workbook’s layout enhances this study guide’s appearance and utility. More colour, enhanced tables, and slicker formatting have been worked into this title’s re-design to better enable student retention of content.

As ever, the From the Ground Up Workbook, 3rd Edition, affordably compliments the popular, and widely used, textbook to which it is associated. By using this title, students are better able to evaluate their understanding of From the Ground Up‘s content, thereby maximizing their knowledge and review of the information contained in the textbook itse

ISBN 978-0-9730036-8-0

Softcover, 74 pages, 8.5" x 11"